Physical Abilities
Spell / Ability Name | Explanation / Effect |
Bash | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Cleave | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Skewer | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Sonic Punch | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Double Fangs | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x. Archangel exclusive. |
Single Shot | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Arm Chopper | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x with a chance of Fear. |
Hysterical Slap | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe x2 with a chance of Rage. |
Poison Skewer | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Poison. |
Skull Cracker | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Confusion. |
Muzzle Shot | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Silence. |
Assault Dive | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Twin Shot | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x. |
Kill Rush | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 3x. |
Cell Breaker | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Enervation. |
Brain Shake | Deals light Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 3x with a chance of Exhaustion. |
Power Slash | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Cruel Attack | Medium Phys dmg, 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are knocked down. |
Fatal End | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Black Spot | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Poison Arrow | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Poison. |
Mighty Swing | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Torrent Shot | Deals medium Phys damage to 1 foe 2x to 3x. |
Tempest Slash | Deals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 2x. |
Gigantic Fist | Deals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Vile Assault | Deals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are knocked down. |
Rainy Death | Deals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Increased Critical rate in rainy or snowy weather. |
Brave Blade | Deals severe Phys damage to 1 foe. |
God’s Hand | Deals severe Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Primal Force | Deals severe Phys damage to 1 foe. |
Heaven’s Blade | Deals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Michael and Metatron exclusive, nontransferable. |
Spells / Magic
Spell / Ability Name | Explanation / Effect |
Agi | Deals light Fire damage to 1 foe. |
Maragi | Deals light Fire damage to all foes. |
Agilao | Deals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. |
Maragion | Deals medium Fire damage to all foes. |
Agidyne | Deals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe. |
Maragidyne | Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes. |
Ragnarok | Deals severe Fire damage to 1 foe. Surt exclusive, nontransferable. |
Meltdown | Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes. |
Burning Petals | Deals severe Fire damage to all foes. Sumeo-Okami exclusive |
Bufu | Deals light Ice damage to 1 foe. |
Mabufu | Deals light Ice damage to all foes. |
Mabufula | Deals medium Ice damage to all foes. |
Bufudyne | Deals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe. |
Mabufudyne | Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes. |
Niflheim | Deals severe Ice damage to 1 foe. Loki exclusive, nontransferable. |
Cocytus Pain | Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes. |
Zio | Deals light Elec damage to 1 foe. |
Mazio | Deals light Elec damage to all foes. |
Zionga | Deals medium Elec damage to 1 foe. |
Mazionga | Deals medium Elec damage to all foes. |
Ziodyne | Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe. |
Maziodyne | Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes. |
Thunder Reign | Deals severe Elec damage to 1 foe. Thor exclusive, nontransferable. |
Narukami | Deals heavy Elec damage to all foes. |
Garu | Deals light Wind damage to 1 foe. |
Magaru | Deals light Wind damage to all foes. |
Magarula | Deals medium Wind damage to all foes. |
Garudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe. |
Magarudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. |
Panta Rhei | Deals severe Wind damage to 1 foe. Odin exclusive, nontransferable. |
Divine Wind | Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. |
Hama | Light: low chance of instant kill, 1 foe |
Mahama | Light: low chance of instant kill, all foes. |
Hamaon | Light: high chance of instant kill, 1 foe. |
Mahamaon | Light: high chance of instant kill, all foes. |
Samsara | Light: very high chance of instant kill, all foes. Daisoujou exclusive, nontransferable. |
God’s Judgement | Light: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.Can only be acquired via Skill Change. |
Mudo | Darkness: low chance of instant kill, 1 foe. |
Mamudo | Darkness: low chance of instant kill, all foes. |
Mudoon | Darkness: high chance of instant kill, 1 foe. |
Mamudoon | Darkness: high chance of instant kill, all foes. |
Ghastly Wail | Instantly kills foes who are fearful. |
Die for Me! | Darkness: very high chance of instant kill, all foes. Alice exclusive, nontransferable. |
Hell’s Judgement | Darkness: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.Can only be acquired via Skill Change. |
Life Drain | Drains 30 HP from 1 foe. |
Spirit Drain | Drains 30 SP from 1 foe. |
Foul Breath | Increase 1 foe’s susceptibility to ailments and Light/Dark skills. |
Stagnant Air | Increase all foe’s susceptibility to ailments and Light/Dark skills. |
Megido | Deals medium Almighty damage to all foes. |
Megidola | Deals heavy Almighty damage to all foes. |
Megidolaon | Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes. |
Black Viper | Deals massive Almighty damage to 1 foe. Satan exclusive, nontransferable. |
Morning Star | Deals massive Almighty damage to all foes. Helel exclusive, nontransferable. |
Evil Touch | Instills Fear in 1 foe (40% chance). (-Crit. DEF and may lose turn or escape) |
Evil Smile | Instills Fear in all foes (30% chance). |
Pulinpa | Confuses* 1 foe (40% chance). (May attack ally, lose turn, or waste 3% money) |
Tentarafoo | Confuses* all foes (30% chance). |
Poisma | Poisons 1 foe (40% chance). (-5% HP/turn, -50% STR) |
Poison Mist | Poisons all foes (30% chance). |
Balzac | Enrages 1 foe (40% chance). (Doubles STR, uncontrollable, auto attacks with weapon) |
Valiant Dance | Enrages all foes (30% chance). |
Makajam | Silences 1 foe (40% chance). (Unable to use Skills or change Persona) |
Foolish Whisper | Silences all foes (30% chance). |
Soul Break | Exhausts 1 foe (40% chance). (-10% SP/turn) |
Anima Freeze | Exhausts to all foes (30% chance). |
Enervation | Enervates 1 foe (40% chance). (-50% STR/MAG/END) |
Old One | Enervates all foes (30% chance). |
The Man’s Way | Chance of causing Down and Dizzy to all foes. Takeji Zaiten exclusive. |
Kamui Miracle | Anything could happen… 1. All allies and/or all foes’ HP and SP fully recovered. 2. All allies and/or all foes downed. 3. All allies and/or all foes inflicted with random status ailment. 4. Nothing. Kamui-Moshiri exclusive. |
Dia | Slightly restores 1 ally’s HP. |
Media | Slightly restores party’s HP. |
Diarama | Moderately restores 1 ally’s HP. |
Mediarama | Moderately restores party’s HP. |
Diarahan | Fully restores 1 ally’s HP. |
Mediarahan | Fully restores party’s HP. |
Recarm | Revives 1 ally with 50% HP. |
Samarecarm | Revives 1 ally with full HP. |
Patra | Dispels Rage, Fear, and Confusion (1 ally). |
Re Patra | Recovers 1 ally from Knockdown or Dizzy status. |
Me Patra | Dispels Rage, Fear, and Confusion (party). |
Posumudi | Neutralizes Poison (1 ally). |
Mutudi | Cures Silence (1 ally). |
Nervundi | Cures Exhaustion and Enervation (1 ally). |
Energy Shower | Cures Exhaustion and Enervation (party). |
Amrita | Cures all ailments except Down and Death (party). |
Salvation | Fully restores party’s HP. Cures ailments. |
Buffs / Debuffs
Tarukaja | Increases 1 ally’s Attack for 3 turns. (Affects both physical/magical offensive strength.) |
Rakukaja | Increases 1 ally’s Defense for 3 turns. (Affects both physical/magical defensive strength.) |
Sukukaja | Increases 1 ally’s Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns. |
Matarukaja | Increases Attack for 3 turns (party). |
Marakukaja | Increases Defense for 3 turns (party). |
Masukukaja | Increases Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party). |
Heat Riser | Increases 1 ally’s Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns. |
Dekunda | Nullifies stat penalties on party. (Offsets the effects of “-nda” magic for all allies.) |
Red Wall | Add Fire resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns). |
White Wall | Add Ice resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns). |
Blue Wall | Add Elec resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns). |
Green Wall | Add Wind resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns). |
Rebellion | Increases Critical rate for 3 turns (1 ally). |
Revolution | Greatly increases Critical rate for 3 turns (all). |
Power Charge | Next physical attack, physical skill, or Almighty physical attack will be 250% greater in power. |
Mind Charge | Next Fire, Ice, Elec, Wind, or Almighty magical attack will be 250% greater in power. |
Tetrakarn | Barrier that reflects phys dmg once. (1 ally) |
Makarakarn | Barrier that reflects magic dmg once. (1 ally; excludes Almighty attacks) |
Tetraja | Nullifies instant kill attack once (1 ally). |
Trafuri | Enables escape from most battles. (100% chance to escape normal battles) |
Traesto | Instantly escape from a dungeon. (Not available during combat) |
Youthful Wind | Moderately restores HP and increases Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party).Takehaya Susano-o exclusive |
Dragon Hustle | Increases Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party).Haraedo-no-Okami exclusive |
Shield of Justice | Shields the party from all damage once.Yamato Sumeragi exclusive. |
Tactical Support
Analysis | Reveal an enemy stats and weak points. (Excludes Bosses) |
Full Analysis | Reveal an enemy’s stats, weak points, and skills. (Excludes Bosses) |
Third Eye | Reveal the effectiveness of an attack (after target has been attacked with the same affinity). |
Healing Wave | Recover 5% HP after battle (party). |
Stamina Song | Recover 10% HP after battle (party). |
Certain Escape | Escape random battles successfully. |
Relaxing Wave | Recover 5% SP after battle (party). |
Vigor Song | Recover 10% SP after battle (party). |
Treasure Radar | Reveal the location of treasure chests on each floor. |
Enemy Radar | Reveal the location of Shadows on each floor over a wide area. |
Weakness Scan | Reveal an enemy’s affinity at the start of battle (weakness or immunity). |
Complete Analysis | Reveals all elemental affinities on all enemies. |
Passive Skills
Counter | 10% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack. |
Counter Strike | 15% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack. |
High Counter | 20% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack. |
Sharp Student | Lowers odds of sustaining crit dmg. |
Firm Stance | Always take half damage, but you can never dodge. |
Resist Physical | Reduces damage from Phys attacks. |
Resist Fire | Reduces damage from Fire attacks. |
Resist Ice | Reduces damage from Ice attacks. |
Resist Elec | Reduces damage from Elec attacks. |
Resist Wind | Reduces damage from Wind attacks. |
Resist Light | Reduces chance of instant death from Light attacks. |
Resist Dark | Reduces chance of instant death from Darkness attacks. |
Null Physical | Become immune to Phys attacks. |
Null Fire | Becomes immune to Fire attacks. |
Null Ice | Becomes immune to Ice attacks. |
Null Elec | Becomes immune to Elec attacks.Isis exclusive. |
Null Wind | Becomes immune to Wind attacks. |
Null Light | Becomes immune to Light attacks. |
Null Dark | Becomes immune to Darkness attacks. |
Repel Physical | Repels Phys attacks. |
Repel Fire | Repels Fire attacks. |
Repel Ice | Repels Ice attacks. |
Repel Elec | Repels Elec attacks. |
Repel Wind | Repels Wind attacks. |
Repel Light | Repels Light attacks. |
Repel Dark | Repels Darkness attacks. |
Absorb Physical | Absorbs damage from Phys attacks.Mara exclusive. |
Absorb Fire | Absorbs damage from Fire attacks. |
Absorb Ice | Absorbs damage from Ice attacks.Isis exclusive. |
Absorb Elec | Absorbs damage from Elec attacks.Lucifer exclusive. |
Absorb Wind | Absorbs damage from Wind attacks. |