Physical Abilities

Spell / Ability NameExplanation / Effect
BashDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
CleaveDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
SkewerDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
Sonic PunchDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
Double FangsDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x. Archangel exclusive.
Single ShotDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
Arm ChopperDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x with a chance of Fear.
Hysterical SlapDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe x2 with a chance of Rage.
Poison SkewerDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Poison.
Skull CrackerDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Confusion.
Muzzle ShotDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Silence.
Assault DiveDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe.
Twin ShotDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe 2x.
Kill RushDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 3x.
Cell BreakerDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Enervation.
Brain ShakeDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 3x with a chance of Exhaustion.
Power SlashDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe.
Cruel AttackMedium Phys dmg, 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are knocked down.
Fatal EndDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe.
Black SpotDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe.
Poison ArrowDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Poison.
Mighty SwingDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe.
Torrent ShotDeals medium Phys damage to 1 foe 2x to 3x.
Tempest SlashDeals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe 1x to 2x.
Gigantic FistDeals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe.
Vile AssaultDeals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Bonus damage to foes that are knocked down.
Rainy DeathDeals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Increased Critical rate in rainy or snowy weather.
Brave BladeDeals severe Phys damage to 1 foe.
God’s HandDeals severe Phys damage to 1 foe.
Primal ForceDeals severe Phys damage to 1 foe.
Heaven’s BladeDeals heavy Phys damage to 1 foe. Michael and Metatron exclusive, nontransferable.

Spells / Magic

Spell / Ability NameExplanation / Effect
AgiDeals light Fire damage to 1 foe.
MaragiDeals light Fire damage to all foes.
AgilaoDeals medium Fire damage to 1 foe.
MaragionDeals medium Fire damage to all foes.
AgidyneDeals heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.
MaragidyneDeals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
RagnarokDeals severe Fire damage to 1 foe. Surt exclusive, nontransferable.
MeltdownDeals heavy Fire damage to all foes.
Burning PetalsDeals severe Fire damage to all foes. Sumeo-Okami exclusive
BufuDeals light Ice damage to 1 foe.
MabufuDeals light Ice damage to all foes.
MabufulaDeals medium Ice damage to all foes.
BufudyneDeals heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.
MabufudyneDeals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
NiflheimDeals severe Ice damage to 1 foe. Loki exclusive, nontransferable.
Cocytus Pain Deals heavy Ice damage to all foes.
ZioDeals light Elec damage to 1 foe.
MazioDeals light Elec damage to all foes.
ZiongaDeals medium Elec damage to 1 foe.
MaziongaDeals medium Elec damage to all foes.
ZiodyneDeals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe.
MaziodyneDeals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
Thunder ReignDeals severe Elec damage to 1 foe. Thor exclusive, nontransferable.
NarukamiDeals heavy Elec damage to all foes.
GaruDeals light Wind damage to 1 foe.
MagaruDeals light Wind damage to all foes.
MagarulaDeals medium Wind damage to all foes.
GarudyneDeals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.
MagarudyneDeals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
Panta RheiDeals severe Wind damage to 1 foe. Odin exclusive, nontransferable.
Divine WindDeals heavy Wind damage to all foes.
HamaLight: low chance of instant kill, 1 foe
MahamaLight: low chance of instant kill, all foes.
HamaonLight: high chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
MahamaonLight: high chance of instant kill, all foes.
Light: very high chance of instant kill, all foes. Daisoujou exclusive, nontransferable.
God’s JudgementLight: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.Can only be acquired via Skill Change.
MudoDarkness: low chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
MamudoDarkness: low chance of instant kill, all foes.
MudoonDarkness: high chance of instant kill, 1 foe.
MamudoonDarkness: high chance of instant kill, all foes.
Ghastly WailInstantly kills foes who are fearful.
Die for Me!Darkness: very high chance of instant kill, all foes. Alice exclusive, nontransferable.
Hell’s JudgementDarkness: chance of reducing foes to 1/2 HP.Can only be acquired via Skill Change.
Life DrainDrains 30 HP from 1 foe.
Spirit DrainDrains 30 SP from 1 foe.
Foul BreathIncrease 1 foe’s susceptibility to ailments and Light/Dark skills.
Stagnant AirIncrease all foe’s susceptibility to ailments and Light/Dark skills.
MegidoDeals medium Almighty damage to all foes.
MegidolaDeals heavy Almighty damage to all foes.
MegidolaonDeals severe Almighty damage to all foes.
Black ViperDeals massive Almighty damage to 1 foe. Satan exclusive, nontransferable.
Morning StarDeals massive Almighty damage to all foes. Helel exclusive, nontransferable.
Evil TouchInstills Fear in 1 foe (40% chance). (-Crit. DEF and may lose turn or escape)
Evil SmileInstills Fear in all foes (30% chance).
PulinpaConfuses* 1 foe (40% chance). (May attack ally, lose turn, or waste 3% money)
TentarafooConfuses* all foes (30% chance).
PoismaPoisons 1 foe (40% chance). (-5% HP/turn, -50% STR)
Poison MistPoisons all foes (30% chance).
BalzacEnrages 1 foe (40% chance). (Doubles STR, uncontrollable, auto attacks with weapon)
Valiant DanceEnrages all foes (30% chance).
MakajamSilences 1 foe (40% chance). (Unable to use Skills or change Persona)
Foolish WhisperSilences all foes (30% chance).
Soul BreakExhausts 1 foe (40% chance). (-10% SP/turn)
Anima FreezeExhausts to all foes (30% chance).
EnervationEnervates 1 foe (40% chance). (-50% STR/MAG/END)
Old OneEnervates all foes (30% chance).
The Man’s WayChance of causing Down and Dizzy to all foes. Takeji Zaiten exclusive.
Kamui MiracleAnything could happen…
1. All allies and/or all foes’ HP and SP fully recovered.
2. All allies and/or all foes downed.
3. All allies and/or all foes inflicted with random status ailment.
4. Nothing.
Kamui-Moshiri exclusive.
DiaSlightly restores 1 ally’s HP.
MediaSlightly restores party’s HP.
DiaramaModerately restores 1 ally’s HP.
MediaramaModerately restores party’s HP.
DiarahanFully restores 1 ally’s HP.
MediarahanFully restores party’s HP.
RecarmRevives 1 ally with 50% HP.
SamarecarmRevives 1 ally with full HP.
PatraDispels Rage, Fear, and Confusion (1 ally).
Re Patra
Recovers 1 ally from Knockdown or Dizzy status.
Me PatraDispels Rage, Fear, and Confusion (party).
PosumudiNeutralizes Poison (1 ally).
MutudiCures Silence (1 ally).
NervundiCures Exhaustion and Enervation (1 ally).
Energy ShowerCures Exhaustion and Enervation (party).
AmritaCures all ailments except Down and Death (party).
SalvationFully restores party’s HP. Cures ailments.

Buffs / Debuffs

TarukajaIncreases 1 ally’s Attack for 3 turns. (Affects both physical/magical offensive strength.)
RakukajaIncreases 1 ally’s Defense for 3 turns. (Affects both physical/magical defensive strength.)
SukukajaIncreases 1 ally’s Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
MatarukajaIncreases Attack for 3 turns (party).
MarakukajaIncreases Defense for 3 turns (party).
Increases Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party).
Heat RiserIncreases 1 ally’s Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
DekundaNullifies stat penalties on party. (Offsets the effects of “-nda” magic for all allies.)
Red WallAdd Fire resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns).
White WallAdd Ice resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns).
Blue WallAdd Elec resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns).
Green WallAdd Wind resistance to 1 ally (for 3 turns).
RebellionIncreases Critical rate for 3 turns (1 ally).
Revolution Greatly increases Critical rate for 3 turns (all).
Power ChargeNext physical attack, physical skill, or Almighty physical attack will be 250% greater in power.
Mind Charge
Next Fire, Ice, Elec, Wind, or Almighty magical attack will be 250% greater in power.
TetrakarnBarrier that reflects phys dmg once. (1 ally)
MakarakarnBarrier that reflects magic dmg once. (1 ally; excludes Almighty attacks)
TetrajaNullifies instant kill attack once (1 ally).
TrafuriEnables escape from most battles. (100% chance to escape normal battles)
TraestoInstantly escape from a dungeon. (Not available during combat)
Youthful WindModerately restores HP and increases Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party).Takehaya Susano-o exclusive
Dragon HustleIncreases Attack, Defense, and Hit/Evasion rates for 3 turns (party).Haraedo-no-Okami exclusive
Shield of JusticeShields the party from all damage once.Yamato Sumeragi exclusive.

Tactical Support

AnalysisReveal an enemy stats and weak points. (Excludes Bosses)
Full AnalysisReveal an enemy’s stats, weak points, and skills. (Excludes Bosses)
Third EyeReveal the effectiveness of an attack (after target has been attacked with the same affinity).
Healing WaveRecover 5% HP after battle (party).
Stamina SongRecover 10% HP after battle (party).
Certain EscapeEscape random battles successfully.
Relaxing WaveRecover 5% SP after battle (party).
Vigor SongRecover 10% SP after battle (party).
Treasure RadarReveal the location of treasure chests on each floor.
Enemy RadarReveal the location of Shadows on each floor over a wide area.
Weakness ScanReveal an enemy’s affinity at the start of battle (weakness or immunity).
Complete AnalysisReveals all elemental affinities on all enemies.

Passive Skills

Counter10% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack.
Counter Strike15% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack.
High Counter20% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Does not stack.
Sharp StudentLowers odds of sustaining crit dmg.
Firm StanceAlways take half damage, but you can never dodge.
Resist PhysicalReduces damage from Phys attacks.
Resist FireReduces damage from Fire attacks.
Resist IceReduces damage from Ice attacks.
Resist ElecReduces damage from Elec attacks.
Resist WindReduces damage from Wind attacks.
Resist LightReduces chance of instant death from Light attacks.
Resist DarkReduces chance of instant death from Darkness attacks.
Null PhysicalBecome immune to Phys attacks.
Null FireBecomes immune to Fire attacks.
Null IceBecomes immune to Ice attacks.
Null ElecBecomes immune to Elec attacks.Isis exclusive.
Null WindBecomes immune to Wind attacks.
Null LightBecomes immune to Light attacks.
Null DarkBecomes immune to Darkness attacks.
Repel PhysicalRepels Phys attacks.
Repel FireRepels Fire attacks.
Repel IceRepels Ice attacks.
Repel ElecRepels Elec attacks.
Repel WindRepels Wind attacks.
Repel LightRepels Light attacks.
Repel DarkRepels Darkness attacks.
Absorb PhysicalAbsorbs damage from Phys attacks.Mara exclusive.
Absorb FireAbsorbs damage from Fire attacks.
Absorb IceAbsorbs damage from Ice attacks.Isis exclusive.
Absorb ElecAbsorbs damage from Elec attacks.Lucifer exclusive.
Absorb WindAbsorbs damage from Wind attacks.