First we need to Understand what rows are. For example, for a turn based scenario, when you trigger a battle on the world map, the screen switches to the Battle screen. Here is where you can see your party members formed up on one side facing the Enemy party, across the screen on the other.

On the example above we see two members in the front row, and two others in the back. Notice how the Fighter, guy in red, and the Blackbelt, guy in blue appear one step ahead, This is considered the Front row, Whereas, the Black Mage; Pointy Hat kid in blue and White Mage, with the Cute Mog white hoodie; are in the Back row.
Pros and Cons of Front row Vs Back row.
- Front row Attacks are stronger but members placed here will sustain more damage, Usually physical.
- Back row Attacks are Weaker but members placed here will Sustain Less damage than they normally would if placed on the front row. this is of course applicable to physical Damage.
There are exceptions that i will address right now. There are certain types of attacks Like for instance, ranged and Magical that trascend the front row back row rule. A Black Mage´s FIRE spell is considered a Long range type of attack, and thus will cause the same amount of Damage regardless of row positioning, so you really should place your casters in the back row, this will only prove beneficial in the increase in DEFENSE. The same applies to your healer, White Mage, casting healing magic like CURE, will not be impacted by positioning since it is also considered a long range (Action, Attack, Spell).

Some equipment in later games carry the “long Range” Skill, where if equipped, the hindrance in reduced physical attacks will no longer apply even if you place your fighters in the back row.
Let me say that in a different way; Non Casters can also take advantage of this exploit, by equipping very useful gear with the skill “long rage” attached to it, with it, your Melee characters can now be placed in the back row increasing his-her DEFENSE while maintaining the attacks at a normal value.
Just don´t rely much on this mechanic as enemies can also cast long range attacks and can still kill your back row party members just as easy. Keep healing as often and keep those fighters pummeling down the enemy squad until you are victorious! you got this.
Action Rpgs and Mmorgs don´t tend to utilize this mechanic, as the layout for battle is distinct than in a turn based scenario. Examples are, Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XIV. Those games are more action oriented and quick thinking rather than the strategical approach. It´ll depend on your taste for a Roleplaying game.
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