emotions are prohibited

  • to be honest this is the first nier game that  really got my attention. the first nier for the PS3 2010 and the drakengard series relate in a way to this amazing title, but lack a lot of aspects that made nier automata appear on the map for many gamers and say im a AAA game.
  • controls are fast and responsive. at first it can be quite a challege and overwhelming to control 2B at the beggining because this game uses all of the buttons for the PS4 controller but then it becomes second nature to you.you can hold down square or triangule for consecutive attacks with youre sword. two types of attack weak and strong. you can tap once r2 and 2b will dash automatically with out stoping until you give other command.the pod has speciall attack skills you use with L1. you can cancell the attack animation at any time pressing the R2 button.  pressing it twice will activate ultimate evade like 2b holograms  after perfect evade you can counter (enjoyable fighting mecanics, very fast slash em up action and cosecutive especially when massive group of foes appear. i think this is one of the best aspects of this game ) talk about fast fluid and responsive gameplay

  • the way pod and flight unit shoot is fast and intense.it will remind you of other intense great action games like Contra III, sin and punishment 2.
  • the enemies AI is really offensive at all the times. you constantly have to be dodging and attacking at the same time. there are enemies that can take almost half of youre energy gauge with just one hit if you dont have the right level or chip upgrades ready,be careful. massive amount of enemies at the factory site beginning.one cool aspect is that the enemies have variety, from small stubbies to huge version machines.
  • CG cimemas are full of action: like when 2b destroys first flight unit while reaching the factory and before 2b destroys the core of the first goliath boss.the music before this moment is epic.remember that this game won the best OST 2017. THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD one of the most beatiful ending songs for a game. also SOUND OF THE END used for the final boss eve fight.simply brillant.After getting the music box from atraction park and delivering to the manager you get to hear the RESISTANCE CAMP ost in music box melody.very heart touching.
  • the explosions on this game are absolutely beatiful. you can see the machines blow up and shatered to pieces by your blade.the effect before and after hacking with 9Sis also very cool.
  • the voice acting is great.2b and 9s talk like there are really feeling the moment. ex before the first black box explosion.voice of operator 6O is super cute. pods voice is great. it sounds really calm and smart, somehow like a butler from mansion ready to give service.  the yoko taro shop theme is funny but can get annoying when you engage in battle. the last eve voice is full of so much hate towards 2b and 9s. hearing the echoed voice effect of unit 9s in the subspace hacking its really cool.

  • the story of this game is insane. year 5200. lots of scifi elements. humans refugee on the moon.earth invaded by alien machines. its been quite  while since i didnt see this type of crazines in a game
  • when upclose is beatifuly detailed,like 2b hair moves in the wind or swords. when 2b walks over  a pile or rubble the sound of her footsteps change adding more realism to the game. when she runs and hits a bush her almost falling animation activates. she can even seat in chairs and listen to music in the jukebox in the resistence camp. the enviroment is beatifuly detailed and looks really lively as if the trees and bushes were almost there. The animals look awesome in this game. after 2b walks by flowers some petals go flying in the wind.when on water, 2b shakes her ankles. upclose you can also see the fine detailed of the swords.

  •  the game mixes a lot of elements from shoot em up, to slash em up, openworld exploration.rpg elements combining brillantly 2d with 3d action.
  • first goliath boss is huge. the chain saws and camera angle for this battle give you this huge machime impression. there are a lot of huge enemies and bosses in the game
  • there are lighting effects that are that are  mind blowing like when the light of sun hits 2b sword from the back also they shine as well as the pod, when water viewed from high angle it reflects the sun with an amazing effect. computers at the bunker. the shadow of 2b very well animated an realistic.

  • a game that tries to explain the mistery of life comparing it like data transfering from one android body to another,the true human nature of emotions, with automatas. very deep ideas from square enix/yoko taro. i have always love this aspect of square j rpgs max FINAL FANTASY.
  • the animation in this game are off the chart.2b walking animation is so natural and sexy. the yoko taro animation shop is really funny. its cool to see that although being in an apolaptyc world you get some comedy relief. the ending credits even mention martial arts coreography,probably captured from real life to make the characters attack appear more real.
  • map needs  little work for the locations, even if you place a marker it will only appear in the map but not in actual gameplay to guide you where you should go next like other games like horizon zero,but this can be good because encourages you to explore and think and memorize where have you been.  Apart the bunker, factory and city ruins, amusment park you get this beatiful forest area and desert area which look breath taking.
  • 2b is so beatiful it offends femenist a lot.why a girl with high heels? yoko taro simple answer” i just like girls”
  • nier automota is a game that doesnt fear to express itself disregarding others extreme opinions like the modern femenist group.
  • This game gives you a feel of sadness, specially when you arrive for the first time in city ruins and hear the OST…piano music,very dramatic.

  • complex battle system redactar aqui avanzado el juego…..you can upgrade weapons for more powerful combos. this is done combining parts gained from defeting the alien machines plus money. each weapon has an unique attack pattern. you level up gaining experience points. MAX LEVEL IS 99. every time your taking down your chips collected so far and your experience point will be left behind in your previous body.be warned that you only have a limited amount of time or the body will disapear and if you die you will loose the body that was one the map. the chips give you abilitys in the game.you can upgrade the amount of chips storage.you can have 3 sets of chips A,B,C.for example A will be attack, B will focus on defence and C on speed and movement.you can also fuse the chips…

  • one part of the game that impact me was when you finish the desert area.the small machines are trying to imitate the reproduction cycle of human beings.whats more amazing is the fact that after the machines all gather up after being attack by 2b and 9s, this machine with a more humanoid form is born. Even after defeating this boss, another replica of this menace is born. this machine call themselves ADAN and EVE.
  • After an intense goliaht class unit fight, the road to the alien ship is revealed underground. when you reach the ship the place looks taken direct from a sci fi movie. it gives you the impression in being in a futuristic alien place with technology from thousands of years in the future. here you encounter once again ADAN and EVE. these machines actually surpassed theire creators, the aliens and destroyed them.now they wanna doe the same with humans.

  • another crazy part is fighting while riding the rolercoster in the amusment park.
  • in the forest kingdom castle, the action turns to a 2d scroller slash em up like classic ninja gaiden style
  • its amazing to think how the machines think of concepts of love, beauty and loyalty.
  • the fight with ruler of the deep was really amazing but challenging at the same time. its a flight unit stage divided into various segments. the problem is that you can not heal and the enemies do lots of damage. recommed having equip auto heal chips, this is one of the best chips in the game kinda of like regen in final fantasy. really funny when 9s has a plan a leaves 2b behind, pod says”9s is leaving without authorization. he must be reported as a deserter.2b” no wait, 9s has a plan. just hold on. other pod fuuny moment is when you collect the medice to heel the wounded animal. the book was stored in his memory all along.9S” now you tell me.this has been a great waste of time.”
  • although being an action game it puts your mind to think,for example in CASTLE TREASURE HUNT
  • comercial really graphic.cencored in the US
  • guy that likes to play with dolls
  • the final battle with eve is the best boss battle and one of the hardest. super amazing sand storm effect.the FMV also get intense action as 9s attacks eve and then 2b attacks also.super awesome that at the end you can see 2b eyes,and after you are about to beat eve your movement circuits get damage,so its either you or him.EPIC FIGHT.it really surprised me to see 2b cry to tears in ending A since she is an android. route A happy ending for 2b and 9S.

  • the game offers multiple endings and routes where depending on the path something different will happen kinda of like in RESIDENT EVIL 2 and 3. In path B you play as 9S.its really cool how you see the game from his perspective specilly at the beggining. may turn down a little hardcore action fans,because the slash em up action is changeto hacking. but after a while you get use to the hacking action.Also this has a benefit,you can attack enemies from a distance and if the hacking is done correctly,you will defeat huge enemies without taking any damage. in path C you play as 9s and a2 combined.

  • After completing the twisted religion mission in the factory and the machines go crazy, after defeating the last goliath boss, the game gives you and impression of the end of the world.
  • terrorist stubby running at full speed,screaming with a bomb in his hands ready to blow you up.talk about terrorism and extreme fanatism, this really funny in the game
  • whileplaying with 9s in the forest kingdom,the game fooled me while transporting meto explain somenthing about the forest king.the screen blured and i tought the PS4 messed up.LOL
  • playing with 9s and A2 grants you the option to complete more side quest to complete percentage. new enemies appear on world map.

  • something cool is that as you get stronger through leveling up also the enemies level up with you, so the game has this balance on battle system. fortunately you always have the advantage over them
  • is really sad to see unit 2b die because of the virus infection. in prior parts of the game, 2b and 9s always cameback because their backup data was stored in the bunkers server being able to transfer all the information into new body unit and revive.this time around, there is no more bunker to rely on.this is the end. some oil liquid coming out.it reminds me of when a tv set is about to die. also this is very pictorical describing similar when a pc is infected by a serious virus.

  • start of play 3 enemies,enemies,enemies everywhere. seeing the black and white enviroment, all the explosions, and the yorha units in their combat uniform kinda of like describing world war I and II.
  • the love of adam (9s) for eve (2b) adam willing to sacrifice himself to the very death all for his beloved. now that is precious. very deep and inspirational.
  • “if we die we wont become gods” a simple machine can understand this profound truth.
  • unit A2, now thats and attitude “i didnt ask for your help”

  • this game brought back that expectation and curiousity feeling in me. when a i played final fantasy7 for the first time and i was in the midgar slums i found about that theres is a city above it the same in nier as the tower appears i really wanna know whats in the tower as it seems like an important high place, i was also surprised that this huge kinda of like ship appear in the flooded city shore
  • route c has the most enemies in the game. slash em up lovers prepare for some serious action. specially in the final tower stage. the battle with boss takes place in two different places at the same time.when finally the boss joins, seeing a2 fight along 9s is like if 2b was there in some sort of way.
  • 9s death very sad and violent.
  • this game reminds me of evangelion proyecto de instrumentacion humana-project gestalt, problemas existenciales and rurouni kenshin soujiro_9S.
  • my one question that remains is will there be a happy ending. will 9s get to meet up with 2b and forgive a2.will have to wait and see.