Contra: Rogue Corps, the latest installment in the iconic Contra series, is a catastrophic disappointment that fails to live up to the legacy of its predecessors. Released on the PlayStation 5, this abomination of a game embodies everything wrong with modern game development, leaving long-time fans and newcomers alike bitterly frustrated and bewildered.

From the moment you start playing, it’s evident that the graphics and visual design are abysmal. The character models are clunky and lack detail, resembling something out of a decade-old game. The environments are uninspiring, dull, and lack the vibrant intensity that Contra is known for. It’s a slap in the face to see such lackluster graphics on a supposed next-gen console like the PlayStation 5.

The gameplay itself is a disaster. Controls are clunky and unresponsive, making even the simplest actions feel like a chore. The aiming mechanics are awkward and imprecise, making it frustrating to hit your targets. The overall gameplay lacks the fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action that made the Contra series famous. It feels like a watered-down attempt to modernize the franchise without understanding what made it great in the first place.

Furthermore, the storyline is an incoherent mess. The narrative lacks depth, creativity, and fails to captivate players, leaving them disconnected from the experience. It’s a baffling departure from the engaging storytelling that fans have come to expect from Contra games.

The multiplayer experience, a crucial aspect of Contra games, is equally disappointing. The co-op mode, a staple of the series, is poorly executed, further exacerbating the game’s lackluster gameplay. The multiplayer modes lack balance, and the online experience is plagued with bugs and connectivity issues, making it nearly impossible to enjoy the game with friends.

Microtransactions and loot boxes plague Contra: Rogue Corps, an insult to the franchise’s legacy. This greedy monetization strategy tarnishes the experience and exploits players, turning what should be an enjoyable game into a cash-grabbing nightmare.

In conclusion, Contra: Rogue Corps on the PlayStation 5 is a colossal failure in every aspect. From the pitiful graphics and unresponsive controls to the lackluster story and abhorrent monetization model, this game does a disservice to the beloved Contra series. Save your money and steer clear of this dismal excuse for a Contra game.

The audio design in Contra: Rogue Corps is equally disappointing, adding insult to injury. The sound effects lack impact and fail to immerse players in the chaotic, high-octane world that Contra games are known for. The soundtrack is forgettable, failing to evoke the adrenaline-fueled excitement that should accompany a game of this genre.

Even the level design, a fundamental aspect of any successful action game, falls flat. The levels are uninspired, repetitive, and lack the diversity that would have made the gameplay engaging. Instead of offering exciting challenges and varied environments, players are subjected to a monotonous cycle of uninspiring encounters.

Perhaps one of the most egregious offenses of Contra: Rogue Corps is its disregard for the beloved lore and legacy of the Contra series. The game seems to have abandoned the essence of what made Contra iconic, opting for a cheap, soulless cash grab that tarnishes the franchise’s reputation. This blatant disrespect for the Contra legacy is unforgivable and alienates longtime fans who were hoping for a faithful and engaging addition to the series.

In summary, Contra: Rogue Corps on the PlayStation 5 is a prime example of how a beloved franchise can be mishandled and destroyed. Its dismal graphics, clunky gameplay, uninspired level design, and disrespectful treatment of the Contra legacy make it a complete failure. Avoid this game at all costs, and opt for something that respects the franchise’s rich history and offers an enjoyable gaming experience worthy of the Contra name.